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Project Info

The proposed wind farm site is located on land at Muirpark Farm, a locally- owned, working farm approximately 4km southwest of Stirling.

The project consists of up to four wind turbines, each with a blade tip height of up to 180 metres and an estimated overall capacity of up to 30MW. The design has been developed by a multidisciplinary project team through a consultation process taking into consideration feedback from consultees, the community and experienced consultants.

Surveys and studies have been conducted to allow assessment of environmental and technical considerations, such as ornithology, cultural heritage, landscape and visual, peat, design process etc. These have informed the finalised layout which strikes the optimum balance between maximising renewable energy generation and its associated benefits while reducing any potential adverse impacts to a minimum through a mitigation plan.

Detailed visual materials including photomontages and wireframes have been prepared and are available to view on the Stirling Council Planning Portal. Wind2 received a formal Scoping Opinion for the proposed development from Stirling Council. This process formalised the scope of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) required to inform the planning application. Following initial consultation with statutory consultees, it is anticipated that the key considerations for assessment within the EIA would be the landscape and visual impact, including cumulative development in the area, cultural heritage, hydrology and noise.

A planning application has been submitted to Stirling Council.

Based on an installed capacity of approx. 30MW and an estimated capacity factor of 35%, Drummarnock wind farm will have the potential to generate around 91,980 megawatt hours (MWh) of electricity annually, sufficient to meet the needs of around 24,859 homes, while offsetting approximately 36,000 tonnes of CO2 per year*.

*Recent calculation (October 2022) based on RenewableUK methodology, utilising the most recent statistics from the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) (